Wednesday 27 February 2013

February 26 2013

This is not getting any easier.  I have to be honest here, I figured that at this point I would be used to writing my wee blog post of an evening.  I thought that enough good things would happen in my day that I could easily find things to write about.  And good things do happen to me, it just seems that so many of those pesky good things happen that I don't have the time to post!!

What a problem to have!  I tell you, I am not really complaining here.  I know my life is sweet.

We went out for tea tonight.  It was baby girl's birthday boxing day.  Whats that I hear you ask?  Well in order to prolong a birthday celebration we decided that there should be a birthday eve and a birthday boxing day.  Great idea, yes??

So we went out for a family tea, just me, baby girl and R.  It was lovely and we stuffed our faces.

Not sure it really helped my getting fit, but sure it only happens once per year!!

Another thing that happened was I got my second weighin and measurement check at the gym.  I have now lost 6 kilos and 9 3/4 inches off my body.  I am retty darn proud.  The girl at the gym gave me this whole lecture about how I have put on muscle mass and thats why my weight hasnt gone down a lot, but I am not worried.  9 3/4 inches!!  Thats pretty amazing.

Bikini body here I come.  (next year) (maybe)

PS Sorry I am late, again.

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