Tuesday, 11 November 2014

How do we chose our profile pictures

Checking through Social Media (Facebook) I see lots and lots of profile pics.  I have a mixed age range of friends from teenagers right through and it amazes me the pics that we chose to put forward for the world to see.

From the teenage girl with her "selfie" looking pouty and possible showing cleavage, to the twenty something with their "look at me I'm in a couple" pose, to the family person with pics of their kids, to the "I love my pet" person.  This is the image we chose to show the world, the first one they see when they see our name, and how much effort goes into picking it?

At the minute I have a cartoon up on my profile.  Usually I have a pic of myself, or a random collage of a few pics I really love.

What am I saying with this?

At the minute I am declaring my love of Christmas, and possibly trying to annoy those baa humbug people out there! That is why I picked my profile image.

When I put up a collage its because these things have happened recently and I want to share them with everyone.

Or a pic of my wedding day when my anniversary comes round.

In all of this though, I try to pick images when I look good, and anyone else in the pic looks good too.

But I wonder sometimes does anyone else care about that.  Look down the side of your facebook wall.  Look at all those pics, that the individual has personally chosen to have as their profile image, are they looking good?  Would you have chosen that image if you were them?

Just a thought.

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