Monday, 30 December 2013

New Year's Resolutions

This year I am making a list and thinking hard about what I want to achieve in the next year.

This past year I had really only done two things new, I started this blog and I started going to the gym.

To be honest I didn't think either of which would last the year out.

The blog waxed and waned.  I wanted to try and post something everyday and I didn't manage that, but I kept it up all year, even when it felt that there was nobody reading it except for me.

The gym, well that was managed better.  I decided to go straight after work, I brought my gym clothes into work with me, and before even going home for my dinner I would go to the gym.  I did between 2-4 times per week all year.  I managed to lose over 30 inches off my body and lost over 3 1/2 stone in weight.  I lost 4 dress sizes in clothes and my fitness levels just shot up.

This year I am doing double the resolutions!!

1. Get to work on time, everyday!  Now that shouldn't be that difficult, I live a 20minute walk from my work, but because I wait for R to run me to work in the car, and he doesn't start work til later, I am ALWAYS late for work.  This coming year, if he isn't up I am just walking to work.  I will be on time.  (Plus the extra 20 minute walk will be good for me!)
2. Save money for Christmas.  This year, as every other year I was stressed to he hilt because of how to afford buyng pressies, food, drink etc to celebrate Christmas.  This coming year I will save a smallish amount every month so that come Christmas I have a decent amount of money to buy gifts etc.
3. Do something every week with R that involves fitness.  Whether that is go for a long walk, go swimming, climb a mountain, whatever.  Every week we are going to do something that will help make us fitter and healthier.
4. I am going to concentrate more on my eating this year.  Last year was good for my fitness, this year I am going to take it a step further.  I have a number of goals this year I want to achieve fitness-wise.  I am taking part in a 5 mile assault course thru mud for Marie Curie.  I am taking part in a relay for the Belfast Marathon.  I want to lose another 3 stone by the end of the year.  I am going to take part in a couch to 5k program starting on January 6th. 

Phew, just reading that scares me a little.  But putting it down here, for you all to read means that I will have to try harder to keep on track and do it.

What do you have planned for the new year?  Any resolutions you want to share?

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